Why Braincandy
Corporate Responsibility
We care about our World
As our world is faced with multiple challenges, it is a matter of principle for us to actively and to the best of our ability contribute in the implementation of international policies addressing issues, such as the environmental crisis, respect for labor rights and the fight against discrimination (due to gender, sexual orientation, etc.).
For that reason, our company abides by the guidelines set forward by International and European institutions on the above issues, as specialized in legally binding instruments but also in Policy Reports. Indicatively, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, ILO’s basic principles for Labor Relations, the 17 Goals for Sustainable Development as specialized by the competent UN bodies and national legislation, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change etc. Furthermore, we monitor any European legislation on the issues abovementioned and ensure that our corporate action is in line with our obligations as a European company.
In accordance with the above, our value system and principles-based approach to doing business entails, among others: Our support and respect of the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights. Abolition of child labor. Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment. Gender equality. Promotion of greater environmental responsibility. Work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
It is our stated intention to specialize on a case by case basis our conduct, in order for our corporate action to evolve in accordance to social imperatives set forward by the international community and contribute proportionally in addressing contemporary challenges.
We care about our People
Our people are our greatest asset and their passion the basis of our success. We are committed to provide a work environment that allows for personal growth and enables our employees to reach their fullest potential.
Therefore we:
- provide clear and fair terms of employment
- have a fair compensation policy
- encourage and sponsor their training and development
- go beyond applicable statutory and legal regulations regarding health and safety in the workplace
We care about our Clients
When it comes to our business operation, we are guided by the principle of sustainability and aim to please all stakeholders of the company and the community to improve and keep the trust in our business and reputation.
Therefore we:
- strive to create value for clients and stakeholders
- aim to grow sustainably, adapting to the changes in the market research industry in good time
We care about the Environment
Our objective is to reduce our carbon footprint and minimise any negative impact, including waste our operations may have on the environment.
Therefore we:
- try to reduce the consumption of energy and water and use renewable and/or recyclable resources wherever practicable.
- have introduced InSign as a method of signing most of our agreements whereby we have significantly reduced paper consumption
- encourage our stakeholders to use paperless options we provide them with for their information and electronic means to vote.
We care about Ethics
It’s Braincandy’s policy to conduct all business in an open, honest and ethical manner. We are committed to acting professionally and with integrity in all our business dealings wherever we operate. Employees should refrain from any action that could constitute a conflict of interests. We have a zero-tolerance policy regarding corruption and bribery both in relation of those who work for us and those who work with us.
Therefore we:
- ensure that all staff are aware on the policies on insider trading, bribery and corruption
- will not to offer, pay or accept bribes or substantial favours
We are committed to ensuring that no one suffers any detrimental treatment as a result of reporting a breach of this policy. If you believe that you have suffered any such treatment, you should inform our Legal Department immediately ([email protected]).