Predict & improve your advertising effectivenesss.
Think about your total advertising spending per year whether it is digital or above the line. How do you know whether it is worth spending more or less next year?
The background
Companies usually spend fortunes on advertising. Even those who test before airing, focus on copy production: which alternative scores better. But the big money is on media!
Ending up with the best option is one thing. The most important one though is whether your ad is better than competition. Consumers don’t watch Ads in silos. You may be seen during an ad break right after your biggest competitor.
So, how much do you invest in media buying? Should this be a result of how you personally feel? What your Ad agency says? A ratio of your production cost? The answer is no, no and no.
About the tool
Ad Scores let you adjust your media investment based on your ad’s performance vs competitive ads. It also lets you test different global alternatives to select the one that best works in local market.
Through Wisdrop, we measure all interesting ads that go on air on a regular basis. This means that we can provide a very solid benchmark for your ad and guide you on preferences and trends across demographics.